Mwvane aftiaqi

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Pharmacognosy will study medicinal plants, as well as primary processing products of plant and animal origin

Pharmacognosy will study medicinal plants, as well as primary processing products of plant and animal origin. Man is a biosystem, and the spare parts of the biosystem are found only in living nature. If in the past to determine the advisability of using mwvane aftiaqi one or another plant, empirical experience dominated, then over time, the development of biology and chemistry made it possible to create a scientific base. A new coordinate system has appeared with all biological and chemical features characteristic of a particular plant or dosage forms obtained from them.

Phytopharmacology will study the interaction of plants and living organisms. Having formulated such a definition, we obtain a direct analogy with the explanation of the generally accepted term “pharmacology” (Greek pharmacon - medicine, logos - training) - a science that studies the interaction of chemical compounds and living organisms. Phytopharmacology is an important scientific part of herbal medicine. They can only be discussed in relation to each other, and this is necessary, since it is phytopharmacology that makes modern phytotherapy full scientific discipline.

Knowledge of pharmacotherapeutic properties allows you to comprehensively use plants mwvane aftiaqi to treat various diseases. These data can only be obtained by experimental and clinical studies. Attention should be paid to all the latest achievements of pathomorphology and pathophysiology. Indeed, it is on the basis of these data that an accurate idea of ​​the disease is formed. Herbal Revolutionary can be considered as a special tool for studying the body.
