Other world veterinarian

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Other world veterinarian Other world veterinarian

Ding it was a long emerald green arrow nailed between Redno's feet preventing him from moving on Redno looked up at the elf beauty beside Chutian and a drop of cold sweat ran down his cheek so that his eight-level Yalong Knight could not hear the whistle of the arrow There's only the Night Hunter Fortunately he did not resist just now otherwise although he could barely escape the elf hunter's cold arrow But the others "Your Highness Vladino I'm sorry" Redno knelt on the ground with a knighthood and threw Walker who had been tied up as a silkworm chrysalis on thePetrochemicals ground Then he said "Today is the fault of my worthless brother Now I give him to your Highness" And please don't embarrass anyone else Chutian nodded and lowered his head Ask Small White "How do you say to do" Today Chutian came to vent his anger on Xiaobai and to what extent of course he had to ask himself Purr Xiao Bai blinked his big eyes and pointed to himself indicating that he had given it to me Then Xiaobai jumped from Chutian's arms to the back of the Hummer patted the Hummer's big ears and the Hummer obediently put his long nose on the ground and let Xiaobai run down his nose Whoo! Xiaobai slipped in front of Walker who was lying on the ground He looked at his frightened face and smiled slyly "Ah Wu!" Ah Walker screamed "Pain!"! Xiao Bai almost lost half of his ear but what happened next Xiaobai ran back to Chutian's arms contentedly along the original road then licked Chutian's fingers intimately yawned and snuggled up to Chu Tiandi's chest and fell asleep Others don't know what Xiaobai means but Chutian understands that even if Xiaobai has avenged himself in fact Xiaobai's injury is not serious just kicked by someone biting is nothing but Chutian is confused what is this Lao Tzu came here in a big way just to bite him "Ahem this" Colonel Redno "Chutian the swindler has never encountered such a situation In his plan he will fight a big battle in the dark and then extort something with the remaining power of a great victory" You know Chutian is not every day can encounter such a righteous blackmail excuse ah! But now Redno looked like he was at the mercy of others and Xiaobai even let it go Hum Xiao Bai forget it I can't forget it! Page order the whole army to camp in place! After waiting for thousands of troops to settle down Chutian took Redno to the military tent "Oh Colonel Redno sit down" In fact if you want to help Xiaobai vent his anger you can't use such a big scene at all but Chutian finally met a legitimate opportunity so how can he give up Your brother hurt my pet it's nothing anyway Organic Chemicals Xiaobai was not badly hurt but Chutian narrowed his eyes which was his standard expression when swindling He said with a smile "Now all the nobles in the Empire know that my pet was wounded by your mercenary regiment which makes me lose face as a Duke" "Yes yes we have indeed caused your Highness trouble" Redno also lived more than forty years old although not old but also can be called sophisticated heard Chutian's words he immediately understood that Chutian did not intend to destroy the entire Earth Dragon mercenary regiment but just want to use this excuse to get some benefits Thinking of this Redno breathed a sigh of relief As long as the mercenary regiment and his brother could be saved it was nothing to spend a little money Anyway he had a lot of gold coins to honor the bureaucrats and nobles on weekdays Moreover if his Highness was satisfied today maybe his mercenary regiment would climb a big tree in the future I understand what your Highness means "Redno smiled reassuringly" I wonder what your Highness has been missing lately " "Praise the Goddess of Life!"! I don't want for anything! Chutian shook a finger and said cheerfully "I want to do a business with you" Volume III The Happy Life of a Veterinarian Chapter 80 Business "Business" Redno did not understand what Chutian meant How could the ancient saint sacrifice do business with his small mercenary regiment Your Highness how can we do business with you Just tell me what you want "Praise the Goddess of Life!" "How can I take advantage of you" Chutian said with a straight face It's not easy for you to work hard to make money By the way how much is the annual income of your mercenary regiment "This" Like the earth the annual income of the mercenary regiment is their own trade secrets Redno has the intention not to say but Chutian's covetous appearance does not allow him to do so "Your Highness about a million gold coins" A million So little Chutian looks very disappointed but one million is really not much for Chutian now Chu big young master has almost lost count of his income smuggling drugs and Warcraft monopolizing the pharmaceutical industry of the empire but also incidentally opened a Warcraft hospital these things are profiteering industries so Chutian really did not Plant Extracts calculate clearly how much can he earn a year But what is certain is that it will definitely be far more than one million Ha ha really not many now the mercenary is not good to make money Redno was overwhelmed by Chutian's indifferent expression and there were few people on the mainland who could not take a million gold coins seriously How many people are there in your mercenary regiment and what about the strength "How many advanced Warcraft are there" Chutian continued At the mention of his mercenary regiment Redno was immediately proud that under his leadership the Earth Dragon mercenary regiment could grow from a small team of hundreds of people It developed into one of the three major mercenary regiments of the Empire in which Rednor spent a lot of effort We have a force of thirty thousand with our headquarters in Pompeii and in the main countries of the continent They all have our branches The main masters are me the head of the regiment and several seven-level masters while in Warcraft the most powerful is my familiar eight-level sub-dragon beast-Earth Dragon "I heard that your mercenary regiment is in the top three in the Empire How many names can it have on the mainland" Chutian is a little confused so little strength can be called one of the three major mercenary regiments of the empire globalchemmall.com
