Paper Baby _ Nado

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Paper Baby _ Nado Paper Baby _ Nado Paper Baby _ Nado

The last time I came here, I looked around and found the way to the second village. Walking through the small buildings, Huang Zhijia is not far ahead. But the deeper he went, the thicker the white fog became. The wind blew a mist on my face, and I took a deep breath and smelled the faint smell of the river. I suddenly realized that there was a river not far ahead, and of course the fog on both sides of the river bank was heavy. The dilapidated building of Huang Zhi's family has arrived. I suddenly remembered what the old woman had said to me last time. She said it was so evil that she didn't even dare to enter the door. Think about it, over the past few years, the number of people living in this small building has decreased one by one, either missing or dead, until now, it has been empty, not even a person. I couldn't help shivering. Around the back door of Huang Zhi's house, the door, which had broken the lock, was now unclosed and open, and you could see a corner of the wall of the empty storage room inside. In the days after Huang Zhi's death, many people should have come here. I think it's basically the police, and the villagers are not likely to come. I don't intend to go in. This is not the purpose of our visit today. It is only because of some emotion that I have come here to have a look. He Xi had not said a word before. He watched me walk around the building and asked, "Is this Huang Zhi's home?" I nodded. "Let's talk to someone else.". Well, I do have a candidate. Walking out of Huang Zhi's house, I turned a corner, far away,lutein and zeaxanthin supplements, and I faintly saw a figure there. Walking closer, the bent body became clear little by little, and appeared from the fog. Yes, I saw the old woman again. She was sitting in front of her house, just like last time, choosing vegetables. I went up to her and said hello. The old woman stopped what she was doing, raised her head and looked at me. This movement, this look,fenugreek saponins, is the same as last time. What, what did you say? She asked slowly. Yes, I forgot that she couldn't understand Mandarin, just like the last time we met, she asked me like this. For a moment, I had the illusion of time reversal, and even time became uncertain in the psychedelic space of the village at the moment. This strange illusion made me not come to my senses for a moment and forget to respond to the old woman's words. The old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and crow's feet radiated from the corners of his eyes, cutting many notches. Oh, it's you, the reporter. She recognized me. Then she moved her eyes to my side and stood on He Xi, who was a little behind me. That police uniform made her crow's feet a little deeper at once. Policeman She murmured, pushed the dish aside, and stood up. What's the matter? She looked at me and turned her eyes to He Xi. It's about Huang Zhi. You said last time that you watched her grow up. I have some questions to ask you. I say All right, all right. Well, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate ,akba boswellic acid, sit inside. Come inside. She said and welcomed us in. As for the police card is not a police card, the old lady did not want to see, for ordinary people, this body of "skin" is enough to represent everything. The layout of farmhouse buildings is similar, but the household goods in the living room are not luxurious, but they are much better than Huang Zhi's home. Eight Immortals table, peach wood chair, sofa, tea table, big TV, all the things you should have, and there are large decorative paintings hanging on the wall. I'll pour you some tea. "Don't bother." "Yes, yes." The old man turned around and went into the kitchen, but took two cans of coke: "It's better to drink this on a hot day." "Well, she's a policeman from the Municipal Public Security Bureau who investigated Huang Zhi's case." I introduced He Xi. That's basically not a lie. Quite a few policemen came here a few days ago, and some of them came from Shanghai. But is this your first visit? The old woman said to He Xi. He Xi nodded. She has something to ask you about Huang Zhi's life. "Ask, ask." The old lady nodded and cooperated very much. You ask, do you know what to ask? I said to He Xi. He Xi nodded and startled me as soon as he opened his mouth. What I want to know about the dead body is.. He Xi was interrupted by my loud cough before he finished asking. Fortunately, He Xi speaks Mandarin, and she can only listen to Shanghai dialect, but not speak it. "Well, she can only speak Mandarin, or I will ask for her, I followed her to interview, she wants to ask what I know.". She wanted to know more about the deceased, Huang Zhi, and the police suspected that her death might have something to do with her missing child. "Her daughter, Zhou Qianqian?" I nodded. This little girl, silent, likes to shrink in the shadow of the corner, walking without a sound, like a dead man. I think it may be more evil than her mother. The old woman said some groundless words with a look of disgust. Although Zhou Qianqian had been missing for several months, she did not arouse the old woman's sympathy at all. Last time I came here, I thought she didn't like Zhou Qianqian very much, but I didn't expect her prejudice to be so deep. Did Huang Zhi give birth to any other children? He Xi asked. As I relayed He Xi's words to the old woman in Shanghai dialect, I shook my head in my heart. He Xi was so direct that I wanted to go around Zhou Qianqian slowly. No, I had one three years ago, but I had a miscarriage. The abortion must have been the one that gave birth to the paper baby. Besides that, have you ever been pregnant? Think about it carefully. It's very important to solve the case. Without thinking, the old woman immediately shook her head and said, "It's definitely gone. We're all from the same village, and we live so close to each other. We can't go wrong.". Huang Zhi was Zhou Qianqian, who was born in the third year after her marriage. After the birth, the village family planning committee worked for her, so she went to get a ring. After three years, because it was not good, she went to the hospital to remove the ring. As soon as she took it off, she was pregnant again, that is,stesweet stevia, the abortion. After the abortion, she had a problem with her brain, and her life was so evil that the man dared to approach her. 。
