Ancient Tomb of Buddhist Doctor _ Flying Apsaras

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Ancient Tomb of Buddhist Doctor _ Flying Apsaras

Our purpose is the same as yours. Everyone comes to this world with his own specific mission, in any case, since we stand on the same front, of course, we will try our best. The only thing I want to say is that sometimes, as fate would have it, hard work does not necessarily mean success. If we fail, we have to leave some clues so that later people can know the details of the battle. "Fang Xing suddenly sighed, turned to me and shook his head with regret." After the soul boy was able to inherit the wisdom of the reincarnation of the Living Buddha, he gradually realized that he was not the successor of the Living Buddha deliberately designated by the gods. It is the ideological transit station that the previous generation of Lantuokulin Living Buddha had no choice but to choose when he had no way out. It can be said that his identity as a soul boy is a great sadness, unable to shirk, unable to choose, but his brain capacity can not bear so much profound wisdom, and ultimately he can not look up. However, before he died, he was happy because he knew that he had contributed to the elimination of demons. No matter whether a person is a Tibetan or a Han, a city ranger or a desert idler, as long as he is involved in this matter,heavy duty plastic pallet, no one can get away with it. Miss Ye, we also need a person like Dacuo to pass on all the experiences and experiences, so that more alert people can realize the existence of the cat demon. Fang Xing inherited the wisdom of Dacuo, perhaps only she, the most understand the difficulties of the child. The transit station of thought is like a paper bag in a supermarket, which is only used by others for a short time, and its ultimate fate will be to discard it in the garbage bin in the streets and lanes at will. Because of this,mobile garbage bin, when he understands his past and future, the sadness that can not be expressed is the most hurtful. Mr. Shen? Ye Xi's frosty face suddenly had a shy smile. Fang Xing sighed again: "Miss Ye, do you also think that Mr. Shen is the only person who should live to pass on his wisdom and warn the world?" Ye Xi nodded and approached me with a more brilliant smile: "Mr. Shen, please close your eyes. I have something to say." Upstairs chains jingle louder and louder, Xiao Bei hurriedly looked back, just saw the smile on Ye Xi's face, for a moment stunned, just staring down. Before I could close my eyes, Ye Xi approached me and kissed me gently on my lips. Her lips were cool, but sweet, like an apricot that had just turned red. You are the first man who makes my heart beat, but I have promised my father that before the end of the cat demon incident, my life and thoughts do not belong to me, plastic pallet manufacturer ,plastic pallet box, but only to subdue the demon. In order to imprison the soul of the cat demon, my mother and little dancing aunt sacrificed their deep love for their father and were willing to choose to extinguish and wither at the best time of their lives. As her daughter, I must carry on her legacy and continue what they have not done. After this war, if there is life, I hope to be your woman. Ye Xi clenched his lips, and the tip of his snow-white teeth was embedded in his flesh. This kind of confession is a great test for a young girl. To me, it sounds more like a suicide note before the war. It's coming- "Xiao Bei cried hoarsely, his eyes burning red with blood." The second floor seals the array, rushes to the third floor decisive battle, I hope you have brought the other three treasures! I heard a clanging stop at the entrance to the third floor and hurried upstairs. Fang Xing smiled and said, "Shen Nan is the one who knows me." She is a thief, can steal from the ghost to see sorrow to the green blood spirit ring, of course, do not let go of other treasures, just in the second floor cloth into a "blue dragon, white tiger, turtle and snake array", from bottom to top, to prevent the cat demon from escaping. Passing by Xiao Bei, his deep voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat: "If there is danger, I will go first, and you will stay and take care of her." This "she", of course, refers to Ye Xi. The first time we met, I felt that Xiao Bei's deep love for Ye Xi could not be expressed frankly, but every word and deed could bring out traces. His career as a killer determines the cold and arrogant personality of extreme self-esteem and hidden inferiority, and his feelings are buried in his heart, which is difficult to express. I patted him on the shoulder in silence and stared at the young man who was both strange and familiar. Guan Bo has never said that there is a brother of mine in this world. Perhaps the big secret of the Shen family is only known by his own family. "The second floor is not right. Go straight up to the third floor. Anyway, you have to meet each other with swords and guns. You don't have to be polite to the cat demon." Fang Xing passed by me with a whoosh. His toes touched the corner of the armrest gently. He pulled up again and jumped up to the entrance of the third floor. Following closely behind her was Ye Xi, two girls whose courage in the face of great enemies was no less than that of any man. Meet again- "When Ye Xi landed, he opened his mouth with a calm and calm smile, no longer as nervous and frightened as before.". Before dying, Ye Lihan passed on his internal force to her, and at the same time, he gave her his outstanding arrogance and heroic spirit of despising everything. I grabbed Xiao Bei's shoulder and flew up to the third floor together, facing the smiling Yaretha. There is a gray velvet single sofa at the entrance of the Eight Diagrams Array, and behind it is a lifelike portrait of Nalan Xiaowu. Return to the old place, that kind of ghostly, murderous feeling more dignified, at the same time, the depths of the battle more floating with strands of moist breath. Aretha sat on the sofa,plastic pallet bin, leisurely holding an Arab-style teacup, not caring about the appearance of the four of us. Aretha, show your true colors. The sickle in Yexi's hand cracked and sparks splashed again.
