Selected works of Pushkin

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Several dogs barked a few times, but when they saw Anton, they stopped barking and wagged their bushy tails.

Vladimir Andreitch was approaching a station from which he was to transfer to the village of Gischennevka. He was filled with a gloomy foreboding that he would not see his father alive, and he imagined the melancholy life of the country that awaited him, the desolation, the loneliness, the poverty, and the care and labor for household chores that he was completely unfamiliar with. When he reached the station, he went in and asked the stationmaster for horses. When the stationmaster asked him where he was going, he told him that the horses sent from the village of Gischennevka had been waiting for him here for four days. Then the old coachman, Anton, who had led him into the stable to play and looked after his pony when he was a child, appeared in front of him. As soon as old Anton saw him, his eyes filled with tears, he bowed to the ground, told him that his old master was still alive, and immediately ran to harness his horse. Vladimir Andreitch declined breakfast and set off in haste. Anton drives the car and takes the path. The master and servant began to talk to each other. Please tell me, Anton! What happened between my father and Troyegulov? God knows, Master Vladimir Andreitch! When he heard that his lordship had a quarrel with Kirila Petrovich, the man went to court to complain-but he was a judge himself. We servants shouldn't have talked about our master, but to tell you the truth, your father shouldn't have fallen out with Kirila Petrovich. "So does this Kirila Petrovich really do whatever she wants?" Of course, young master! The jury didn't care about him at all, and the county chief of police served him. The rich men all went to his house to show their filial piety. They really knocked on the piggy bowl and the piglets squeezed through the door! "Is it true that he wants to rob my family's land?" "Alas!"! Young master! We heard about that too. A few days earlier, the deacon of the church in the village of Pokrovskoye was having a baptism of wine at the home of our village chief. He said, You are happy enough. You are about to fall into the hands of Kirila Petrovich. Blacksmith Nikita said to him,Lamella Plate Settler, Come on! Savelitch! Don't upset the in-laws, and don't worry the guests. Of course Kirila Petrovich is a master, and so is Andrei Gavrilovich. And we are all subjects of God and the Czar. Anyway, you can't stop other people's mouths. "So you don't want Troyegulov to manage you?" Held hostage by Kirila Petrovich! God spare us! The life of his own men was difficult enough, not to mention that outsiders fell into his hands. It would be strange if they didn't peel off a layer of skin. They could eat meat without spitting bones! Nope! May God bless Andre Gavrilovich with a long life. If God wants him to ascend to heaven, then we don't want anyone except you, our little master. Do not forsake us, and we will follow you forever. With these words, Anton raised his whip and shook the reins, and the horse galloped forward. Dubrovsky was deeply moved by the old coachman's words of loyalty, and he was silent and thoughtful again. About an hour later, Grisha suddenly cried out, "The village of Pokrovskoye!" Awakened, rapid sand filters ,disc air diffuser, Dubrovsky looked up. They were galloping on the banks of an open lake, from which a small river flowed, winding between distant hills. On a hillside, the trees were lush and green, with high green roofs and huge stone houses and pointed watchtowers; On another hillside stood five dome-roofed churches and an ancient bell tower, surrounded by wooden farmhouses with a fence and a well in front of the door. Dubrovsky recognized the place. He remembered that, on the same hillside, he had played with little Masha Troyegurova, who was two years younger than he, and could see that she was going to be beautiful. He wanted to ask Anton about her, but a genuine shyness prevented him from saying so. As he neared his master's house, he caught a glimpse of a white dress fluttering in the shade of the garden. At this moment, Anton lashed out a few whips. He was lured by the ruthless heart of the urban and rural handlebars. He flew across the bridge at full speed, and the village flashed by. Out of the village, the carriage climbed the hillside, and Vladimir saw a birch forest, with a small gray house with a red roof on the left side of the open space. His heart fluttered. In front of him was the humble house of Gischennevka and his father. Ten minutes later, he entered the master's courtyard. He looked around with indescribable excitement. He had not seen his former residence for twelve years! The little birch that was planted beside the fence has now grown into a towering tree with luxuriant branches and leaves. There had been three neat flower beds in the courtyard, with a wide corridor in the middle, which had been cleaned up, but now it was overgrown with weeds, where a stumbling horse was eating grass. Several dogs barked a few times, but when they saw Anton, they stopped barking and wagged their bushy tails. A crowd of servants poured out of the wing and surrounded the young master, clamoring their joy. He managed to push his way through the enthusiastic crowd and up the shabby steps, and Egorovna met him in the vestibule, holding him in her arms and weeping. How are you ! How are you ! Mammy! He said again and again, hugging the kind old lady tightly, "Where is Dad?"? How is he? At that moment a tall old man entered the drawing-room, pale and thin, walking with difficulty in his robe and nightcap. Hello! Volojika! His voice was weak, he said, and Vladimir threw an emotional hug around his father. The joy shook the sick man so much that he lost his strength and could not stand on his feet. If his son had not supported him, he would have fallen. What do you get up for? Yegorovna said, "I can't even stand steadily, but where there are many people, I insist on pushing there." Help the old man into the bedroom. He tried his best to talk to his son, but his thoughts were mixed up and his words were topsy-turvy. After a while he was silent and fell into a deep sleep. His illness surprised Vladimir. He settled down in this bedroom and wanted to stay here alone with his father. Then they turned to Grisha, and took him to the servant's lower room, where he was fed with the richness of a country meal,disc air diffuser, and was exhausted by his affectionate attention, his inquiries, and his thoughtfulness.
