Fufeng Song

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Wen Chao has seen a lot of life and death, but he has never been close to watch such a fierce strangulation in his life.

Wen Qiu's mission was to declare his support for the western adult Yi Lu when necessary, and to maintain the balance of power between the two powers within Tuoba Xianbei. But he came to Tanhan Mountain for three days, and every day, besides going up and down the mountain, he watched three whole days of pretending to be a ghost. At the end of each ceremony, Lu Guan and Yi Lu returned to their respective places, ignoring Wen, so that he had no chance to perform the art of uniting vertically and horizontally. Even Wen Chao, who has excellent self-restraint, can't help being a little anxious in the face of this situation, and can't help breaking out at this time. But as soon as Wen complained, he found that his voice had gone far away with the mountain wind, and it was so big that it was frightening. He immediately shut up and looked around, only to see that every chief around him showed a very rare dignified look, and the whole mountain platform had been silent to the point of silence! Wen's face changed slightly, and it was clear that something was going to happen at the festival, and it was obviously beyond his previous expectations. He stepped back a little more, glanced at Duan, and tugged at his sleeve. But Duan Pi did not pay attention to Wen,filter nozzle, he stared at the center of the platform, only raised his hand to make a silent gesture. At this time, a considerable area of open space was set aside in the center of the platform on the top of the mountain, and the fierce Nuo people wearing ferocious masks under Weishi scattered, isolating the chiefs from the open space. Still on the left side of the clearing were Lu Guan and his hundred guards, and on the right side were Yi Lu and his hundred guards. The two sides confronted each other across the stone platform where Weishi stood and the roaring bonfire. Lu officer and Yi Lu respectively for tuoba Xianbei east and west two adult, Lu officer master forces more than two hundred thousand ride,Belt Filter Press, Yi Lu power is inferior to many, but also can mobilize more than thirty thousand cavalry. After the death of the previous generation of big Khan in Tuoba Yi Yi, Lu Guan and Yi Lu collected their own strength and confronted each other. The small tribes under them fought many times, and the Tuoba Xianbei full-scale civil war, which mobilized hundreds of thousands of riders, was actually only a short distance away. However, they were limited to the deep-rooted customs of Tuoba Xianbei and could not lead the army to climb the mountain. The Hu people in northern Xinjiang have a tradition of worshipping mountains, such as the Great Xianbei Mountain where Tuoba Xianbei originated and the Chishan Mountain where Wuhuan people once lived, which are regarded as sacred places with special significance. Tanhan Mountain is the place where Tan Shihuai, the great hero of the Xianbei people, set up the royal court. In modern times, it is also the place where Tuoba Xianbei Khan offered sacrifices to the ancestors of heaven and earth. It also has a very high status in the traditional belief of gods and witches. Almost all Xianbei people are convinced that the army can not be stationed here, otherwise it will disturb the ancestors and gods. Wen Qiu yesterday to be responsible for the reception of his Xianbei nobles heard a little wind, it is said that at the moment Lu officer and Yi Lu's army almost all stay at the foot of the Khan mountain dozens of miles away. According to the request of the sorceress Wei Shi, Rotating sludge scraper ,lamella clarifer, who presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, there were only a hundred guards who went up the mountain with them. Although the number of hundred retinue is small, it is also a very difficult force. Wen still remembered that when Tuoba Yilu first came to Jinyang last year, he dared to provoke Yue Shigong with only thirty of his chief Duguzhe's followers, and even boasted that he was willing to fight three hundred Jin soldiers with thirty men. At that time, not long after the founding of the Jinyang Army, there was no way to cope with it for a while, and finally the problem was solved by dozens of strong crossbows. Wen Chao is a civilian, but in the army for a long time, the vision is extraordinary. From the eyes and small movements of these retinue warriors, he could be sure that the hundred retinues led by Lu Guan and Yi Lu were definitely much stronger than the thirty dead souls under the arrows at that time. They are all tough fighters specially selected from tens of thousands of people, who can be ten or even a hundred with one. For example, the giant man standing behind Yi Lu is Yi Lu's pro-guard general Li Ningta. This giant Han once guarded Bingzhou Cishi Mansion in the Jinyang War, deterring thousands of private soldiers of the powerful families with four surnames with the strength of one person, and his bravery was like ghosts and gods. And in the luguan side, tuoba Xianbei eastern strength how strong, there must be the same brave extraordinary figure in. Now the two hundred men were getting closer and closer to each other as their leader stepped forward. Somehow, Wen suddenly felt a sense of heart-wrenching tension. Ignoring whether it was impolite to break the silence, he suddenly clung to Duan's shoulder and shouted, "Brother Pi, don't you.." Could it be.. Duan Piao didn't have time to answer, because the two hundred troopers who belong to Tuoba Xianbei East and West raised their heads to the sky together, and sent out a roar like a wolf. At the same time, two hundred long swords were unsheathed, the light of the swords was like snow, and the murderous look through the bone swept across the platform on the top of Tanhan Mountain! In the next instant, the two squire warriors fought together. At the end of the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven in Tanhan Mountain, presided over by the sorceress and witnessed by the leaders of the eight surnames and the chieftains of the attached tribes, the bloody battle opened the prelude to the Great Chanyu Struggle. Wen Chao has seen a lot of life and death, but he has never been close to watch such a fierce strangulation in his life. Armor collides violently, impacts and deforms, blades collide with each other so that sparks splash, sticky blood falls from the air, broken limbs twist and twitch on the ground, and trembling and fearful hissing cries rise and fall one after another.. These suddenly burst out in front of Wen's eyes, almost making him dizzy. Wen Qiu suddenly understood that both Yue Shigong and Wen Qiu himself had misjudged the customs of the Tuoba Xianbei people. Tuoba Xianbei originated from Donghu, which was originally just a small nomadic tribe in the vast desert mountains in the north of Youdu. In order to fight for richer pastures and more suitable land for tribal development, they fought against the harsh natural environment while fighting against neighboring tribes, and unswervingly migrated to the south for hundreds of years. In this long journey, they have experienced unimaginable fierce battles, countless difficulties and obstacles, have faced the danger of the destruction of the whole family again and again, and again by virtue of fierce and tough blood to fight for their lives,MBR reactor, and finally stepped on the bones of innumerable losers, occupied the old land of the Huns, and became the overlord on the grassland. khnwatertreatment.com
