Time and you are sweet (Lin Xingchen, Lu Yibai)

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Time and you are sweet (Lin Xingchen, Lu Yibai)

"But aren't you worried that after you save me, I'll have less worries and take the monitor away?" Yang Luoying bent the corners of her beautiful eyes and asked with a smile. Cough, cough, cough. To tell the truth, Lin Xingchen is also a little worried, although just after a righteous addiction, she suddenly fell in love with this feeling. The monitor and I are just ordinary friends. Even if you want to be closer to the monitor, what does it have to do with Lin Xingchen? Lin Xingchen waved his hand and laughed, "If it weren't for the attraction of both sides, this kind of youth story would hardly have an ending!"! Well, believe it or not, the twenty-seven youth campus girl comics I've seen recently are all like this. Yang Luoying smiled with some helplessness, the monitor was obviously so close to her, she did not even notice or dare not be sure? It's possible that all the girls' comics she read were in vain. Luo Ying, these guys are so stupid, how can you be bullied by them? After the topic, Lin Xingchen began to defend Yang Luoying against injustice. Yang Luoying lowered her head and said sadly, "Maybe I'm too afraid." If I had your courage at the beginning, maybe I would be much better now. From childhood to adulthood, I was the object of some bad children,gold CIP machine, as long as Lu Yibai would stand up for himself and help me out of difficulties. I always feel that I can't defeat so many people, but every time I get Lu Yibai's help, I feel very happy, so I gradually become familiar with this kind of degeneration. I'm sorry, Star, I just made you laugh. Surprisingly, Lin Xingchen did not make any mockery. Because she has experienced it,magnetic separator machine, and even has been experiencing it all the time, but her attitude determines that she can occasionally live happily, or even really live happily. There's nothing to laugh about. Next time you go back like me. Believe me, as long as you are fierce enough once, they will not come to harass you again. Looking at Lin Xingchen's energetic appearance, Yang Luoying smiled. If it weren't for Lu Yibai, she would like to be better friends with this girl, but. "Lin Xingchen, do you like Lu Yibai?" Lin Xingchen is suddenly stupefied: "Oh?"? Me, me, me, why do I love him exclusively? Study hard and make progress every day. My grades are bad enough. With that, Lin Xingchen regretted it again, as if she had become accustomed to this kind of degeneration and lost the courage to face herself. If she pursues this, mineral flotation ,small gold wash plant, will she have a special day of regret in the future? Yang Luoying felt a little sorry for Lin Xingchen, because she knew how Lu Yibai would behave when he was close to someone. But now, since Lin Xingchen has denied that she likes Lu Yibai, it means that she can also let go. That star, since you don't like Lu Yibai, I like him, you shouldn't mind, right? Suddenly, Lin Xingchen's brain was a little confused. Why does the exclusive love poem feel so unwilling. Obviously I am saving people and doing good deeds, how can I put the happiness of my life into it? ? 058 Unstoppable Confession " Kapok season, sunny to cloudy, lucky item: tears. In response to the recent rumors circulating in major schools, I would like to invite Director Zhu to refute the rumors for the students. The stage was serious and the audience applauded. Hello, students and teachers, in response to the recent rumors circulating in major schools, I take this break exercise to solemnly explain to you once. In the queue, Lin Xingchen and Luo Qinge looked at each other, saying that they had no impression of the terrible rumor in the school's mouth, which was comparable to a great scourge. But when they looked at Cai Weiming, they could confirm that the "rumor" did exist. The near future, each big school begins to circulate a kind of view: The season that opens in kapok, it is the season that suits confession most... All the students on the playground were shocked by the words. Don't make a scene. Listen to me. If anyone else makes a scene, double the homework this month. Soon, the whole playground was so quiet that even the sound of kapok falling could be heard. According to this feudal superstition and absurd rumor that is not conducive to the healthy growth of young people, some illegal traders set up stalls at the school gate and sold so-called confession spells, advocating that as long as the person they like and their handprints are engraved on the spells, the confession will surely be successful. In this regard, the school strongly condemned and warned the students of such rumors, hoping that everyone would be vigilant, conscious, study hard, make progress every day, and not be a lost lamb of youth. Luo Qinge frowned and looked at Lin Xingchen in a complicated way and said, "How can I feel that the director doesn't say that it's okay? When he says that the whole school knows that there is such a magic weapon to express their love?" Lin Xingchen deeply agreed: "I bet a bowl of very hot and sour rice noodles that the charm of confession outside the school will be sold out recently." "So do you buy it?" The little star of expectation appeared in Luo Qinge's eyes. "Everyone knows it's false, but everyone expects it to be true. Anyway, this semester I'm going to show my heart to Fang Qi seriously, and then study hard." "I.." Lin Xingchen looked at Yang Luoying in the crowd with a guilty conscience. She remembered that after helping her get rid of the bad girl group at the end of last semester, she asked herself a question-do you like Lu Yibai? "Why do I like him exclusively?"? Study hard and make progress every day. My grades are bad enough. "That star, since you don't like Lu Yibai, I like him, you shouldn't mind, right?" Although the answer was very unwilling at that time, Lin Xingchen found that in the middle of these months, the distance between himself and Lu Yibai seemed to be invisibly and naturally closer, while Yang Luoying still had no movement there. Star,gold cil machine, after the third year of high school, we really have to go all out for our future. Whether it's a hazy feeling or a real good feeling, I think making a break at the end of the second year of high school is also a sign of responsibility for one's youth. Lin Xingchen clenched his fist and recalled all kinds of unwillingness before. She finally made up her mind: "I'll buy it with you!" 。 ore-magnetic-mining.com
